Monday, January 11, 2010

Pardon my Psychosis-1

Well, today marked day 4 for being off my anti-depressants (Celexa) for my pregnancy (twins). I spent a half hour screaming at the stupid Babies R Us website for not recognizing my zip code as being accurate for my city as I was trying to register for the Twinkies Baby Shower. Go ahead, laugh, I did (after I cooled down from my homicidal rage built up from yelling at an inanimate object).
I spent a couple of hours cooling down on stupid facebook games and having my 7 month old fall asleep on me (I don't know why he won't sleep in a bed) and thought I would go back to the stupid website and try (once again) to register. I put my name in, my address, all the fucking pertinent information I needed and the stupid thing said "does not recognize zip code for city". AAAAAGHGHGGHGH!!!!!! So I tried one of the other zips, nope....another, nope....all the fucking zip codes for this fucking, retarded, back-of-beyond city that I live in and none of them fucking worked!!!!!!! So I sat and fumed for 5 minutes and then slapped myself on the forhead. "I bet I have to spell out the damn word 'Saint'." So I did and Lo and Behold it worked. I made it all the way to the end only to realize that it doesn't let you post the sex of the babies or if you are having multiples....AAAARRRRGHHGGHG!!!! What a fucking waste of time!
Now I know what most of you are thinking as you read this, "Can going off of an anti depressant really be as bad as she is making it out to be?" The Answer? YES IT CAN AND YES IT IS!!!! I am on Celexa for Post-Pardum Depression as I have only recently just had a baby 7 months ago. I am not even fully diagnosed as both my OB/GYN and therapist suspect that I also have clinical depression and a sever anxiety disorder. I will tell you that once you are on your medication and are getting the help you need, it is the most wonderful feeling in the world because you feel like a normal person and you start to wonder how you survived all those years being miserable and hardly ever smiling. Then you have to go off it for an extended period of time and the world starts to spiral out of control. It's twice as bad when you are pregnant because on top of the lack of medication, you are also experiencing mood swings due to hormonal shifts. It fucking sucks people!
I thought that recording my experiences for posterity would benefit both me (as I will have a place to vent my feelings) and the rest of the world (as you all will know how to deal with this particular situation if it should ever happen to you or someone you love). Like it says up top, Let's Be Honest.

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