Thursday, December 17, 2009

Something You're Not

Why do we do this, this trying to be something we are not. What, just for the sake of the rules of society? Where would we be if everyone conformed to this ideal. I'll tell you where we would be, we'd still be british. We'd still be a divided country. I vow, from this moment on, to only be what I am in my heart and to try not to be forced into the molds that other people place on me. I am me, dammit, loud and proud!!!!


  1. Free expression and free will are very important for any human. It allows us to relate our individuality to those around us, and, unfortunately, some people just don't appreciate the fact that each person is different. While I agree that conforming to society at the cost of your principles and integrity which, it seems, is required more times than not, I must point out that, occasionally, you meet someone unwilling to conform or compromise their behavior. For example; my husband and I are engaged in a battle within our family regarding someone whose natural state of behavior leans toward violence. He seems to think that if people do not conform to his ideals, he feels he has the right to beat it into you. On top of that, he is angry that we used the law as is our right to help him realize that he violated our free will, and that his actions are unacceptable. The point is, free expression is not always a good thing. Sometimes, we must carry ourselves with restraint in order to live alongside our fellow man in peace. Otherwise, we would constantly be battling one another. Additionally, I also believe that there is always room to better yourself. Yes; you are an individual, but each individual continues to grow and learn with each passing day. Be who you are, but always leave room for becoming better.

  2. Maybe I should clarify a little. when I say the 'rules of society' I mean society's ideals as to what is correct, not the laws, which are in place to try to prevent those things in the above statement. Yes there is always room to better yourself, but what if you are happy and confident with the way you are, if you are truly happy, do you think it is right that someone tries to make you conform to their idea of what happiness is?
